Two nights ago Justin and I went to the movie with my mom and dad, and little sisters and brother!It was fun. We saw Four Christmases! It's about spending Christmas with in-laws(the crazy kind!) After the movie my dad made a comment about "Now I feel bad for being an in-law!" Justin wanted me to clarify that we don't think we have crazy in-laws! We just wanted to set the record straight!
Last night Justin and I went to my parents house for a fun family game night! It really was fun! I put a family slideshow together with a bunch of pictures from when we were growing up. I set music to it and everything. Not to brag, but I think it was pretty sweet! I think the best part of the slide show was the last few slides. I'll post those three on here so you can see what I mean! (the whole slide show was over 20 minutes so I'm not posting the whole thing!)