Ok well it has been 4 weeks and a couple days that Justin has been in Korea. He actually really likes it over there. He says it is beautiful and the work is fun and challenging! We miss him like crazy, and he misses us, but he is doing what he needs to for his family and so in the end it will all be worth it! Not much going on except alot of waiting to hear from the Army that it is our "turn" to go to Korea! Here a few random pictures of Sarah! She is still as cute and fiesty as ever!
There are no words!

Yay!! She is drinking from a straw! She drank from a straw while her daddy was home but as soon as he left so did her ability, or desire, to drink from a straw! But that Grape Arctic Rush was just the push she needed I guess! HAHA

Rockin' the sunglasses!

Oh and the fancy necklaces she picked out at the store!

Too bad the sun wasnt cooperating! Her shirt says "I want to be in the Army!" Daddy sent it to her!