WOW! I can’t believe it is the middle of May already! This year seems to be going by so quickly. Justin only has one year left of school! I am so proud of him for working so hard and doing so well in school so far. He got a B in his Chemistry class! (At mid-term he had a D…so a B is AWESOME!) He is going to be working at his sponsoring dealership for the summer! One of my favorite things about Justin is his desire to be such a hard worker. Even though he doesn’t HAVE to start working until the first of June he went in the day after his last day of class! He doesn’t want to miss a second of learning (he has a mentor who teaches him on-the-job stuff).

Anyway…enough about Justin, lets talk about me! Ha Ha just kidding…but seriously… Thursday was the last day of preschool :'( Out of 23 preschoolers 17 will go to kindergarten next year. I am going to miss them so much. Thursday was kind of bittersweet because I am relieved that sch

ool is almost over but it was sad because those kids really grow on ya. It was still fun though. We finger painted!! Talk about fun! I still have to work for two weeks though, doing screenings and testing for kids who will come in next year. Oh and we have inventory and cleaning. So the next two weeks will be hard work.

Last weekend we went to Jerome and celebrated Ty’s birthday with my family. He turned 15. I can’t believe my chubby little brother is a superstar teenage athlete! We went and watched him play baseball today. It was hot!(It was over 90 degrees out there and his game started at noon!!) When we first got there my mom offered us sunscreen and being total idiots we said no thanks. (I wanted to get a little color…unfortunately the only color I got was red!!) So now we are sun burnt! Anyway Ty did really good. His team lost but Ty did good! Sometimes I am so jealous of my little brother! He is so cool and he has so much talent. I wish I could have had half the talent he has. I am so proud of him for working so hard to be such a star. Today he pitched, caught and played a little shortstop.

Two weeks ago our cat, Stretch, left and hasn’t come back since. I keep telling Justin he will come back, but…Justin has had Stretch for over 5 years, since he was a kitten. I hope he comes back, for Justin’s sake.
Oh Nooo. I hope your kitty comes back!
It's great that you could go out and be with Ty for his birthday. How fun! I'm glad that you are so commited to your job and that you enjoy the preschoolers that you work with. It sounds like Justin is really an amazing guy with all that he does. It's nice to know what you are up to!
I have to say, that really sucks about your cat! I hope he comes back soon. He was probably tired of moving so he went back to your last place! ;) Just kidding!
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