Sarah's first Thanksgiving! She was happy she got to eat some new foods! She liked that! Her shirt says "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving" and it has a turkey on it! I tried to get a pic of it but she just wanted to eat! Not pose for pics!

Saturday was Grandpa Eggleston's 90th birthday party! This is Grandpa E, Pappa Chris, Justin and Sarah -- 4 generations!

This is Grandpa E, Chris (Justin's dad), 4 of the 6 boys (jason and his family couldn't make it :,( we missed them and our nephew Russel!) and their kids!
Sarah's first time in a swimming pool! (This bathing suit is 12 months and it fits her!!)

The water was a little cold! lol! Sarah didn't mind but Justin did!
My goodness, where is all her hair? Is it just getting longer and longer?
We wished we could have made it out, but with the holiday they refused us the day off :[
Can I beg PLEASE for copies of the photos!?
Hope to see you at Christmas!!
wonderful generational pix, guess you didn't make it to Your side of the family this holiday. I hear you moved to Pocatello. Need your address. Let us hear from you with details of the move. Luv, grandma
So great that you could be with your family. These pictures are priceless treasures. It's neat that Sarah gets to be with both sides of her family so often!
Sarah is so cute. You should feed Justin sometimes too, poor boy needs some meat on all them bones.
PS. Keep your shirt on (from Lexi)
Love Josh's Egglestons and company.
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