Family picture Christmas Day

Sarah Lynn 3am Christmas morning

Christmas morning with Grandpa!

Oh yeah! PEZ!
It's just not Christmas without PEZ!
Bein' a stinker!
"????" Sarah wasn't so sure about this one!
But she does love the glow worm Grandpa got for her!

The 'Tickle-me-Elmo' tho...not too sure!

Sarah loves her Uncle Ty! She finds him very interesting

She loves to just sit and relax with Uncle Ty. She pushes his face away when he tries to talk to her or play with her!

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...but you can't pick your family" lol

I don't even know!

Pre-Christmas dinner with Justins family

Braxton and Charlie!

Charlie found this hat and he loved it! It was so cute!

Kisses you say? How about I just eat your face!

Payback! hahaha...She really does love kisses!

This is what Santa brought to Justin and Sarah! His name is Rocky, he's a puggle (pug/beagle)

Sarah loves playing with him and he is great with her!

They love playing together!
Sarah loved her glow worm so much she fell asleep hugging it! Of course everytime she moved it lit up and started playing a lullabye! But still it was cute!