Where were you 10 years ago? Justin: It was summer before my Junior year. I was just working at Wal Mart and hanging out with Thomas.
Toshia: Wow, ok 10 years ago I was, ready for this, enjoying my summer before I started 6th grade! I don't really remember much about that summer except the neighbor boy, Ryan, and his friend Andrew. They used to come over and jump on the trampoline everyday! I do remember 6th grade tho, the friends I made that year stuck and we had fun together for the next 6 years!
Five things on today's to-do list?
1. Pick up the house a little
2. Get some pictures developed
3. Make Visiting Teaching Plans
4. Feed the Missionaries
5. Clean the Kitty litter box (that's on Justin's to-do list!!)
A snack I enjoy: Jusitn: Oreos
Toshia: a snack? hmmm, I dunno, baby carrots & animal cookies... not together, but as two different snacks.
Things I would do if I were a millionaire: Justin: Start my own business.
Toshia: Oh man I think the real question is what wouldn't I do? I would probably buy a cute little house somewhere beautiful, so I would have somewhere to call home. But then I would just travel. Travel everywhere! I mean EVERYWHERE!
Places I have lived: Justin: Burley, Heyburn, Pocatello, Boise, back to Pocatello, back to Heyburn, to Wendell, and now to Twin Falls.
Toshia: Wendell, Jerome, Wendell, Coos Bay then North Bend, OR, back to Wendell, then Hagerman, Wendell, Rupert, Wendell, and then Amon/IF and back to Wendell, then two different houses in Newport, OR, back to Wendell again, to Provo, to Pocatello, Heyburn, BACK to Wendell AGAIN, and now Twin Falls! Sadly when Justin graduates we are planning to move again, but this time hopefull we will stay a while!
Ok so now we tag all of you! (NO TAG BACKS!!! hahaha)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Justin and I went camping over the 4th of July weekend. The only downside was that we missed the fireworks. We did get to see some while we there, they were a little ways from us but we could still see them. We went to a place called Hayspur, between Shoshone and Sun Valley. Justin and I had never been there, but one of Justin's brothers was there and told us how to get there. So we camped with Justin's brother Chet, his wife Teresa, and their daughter Taylor. We fished all day, and I mean ALL day, Saturday and didn't catch a single thing!!! The sad thing is that this particular stream is stocked (it is part of a fish hatchery). We could see the fish in the water, they were huge, and we watched them swim right past our hooks! We used every type of lure and bait we had (which was a lot)! Anyway the weekend was alot of fun, we enjoyed capming with family!
Here's Justin PRETENDING he caught a BIG fish!!!
Yes, that is a PINK pole AND a PINK princess chair!! ha ha!
And yes that is a pretty pink bike!!
It was beautiful where we camped. It has been so long since I enjoyed the beauty that is truly all around me! (Unfortanately that nice fifth wheel and truck overe there are not ours! We slept in a tiny little tent!)

Splish Splash...
A couple saturdays ago Justin and I went to Dietrich to visit with his brother, Josh, and his family. Actually I went to visit, Justin went to help Josh out with some "Automotive Technician" stuff. Anyway, they barbequed (thanks for dinner by the way!) and we ate dinner outside. After dinner Josh was watering some strawberry plants in front of his house. Charlie (he was exactly 11 mo that day) decided to run through the hole in the hose! Well he ran as fast as his chubby little baby legs would carry him. It was so adorable!

Jaxi and Tori had just finished swimming and changed into dry clothes or they probably would have joined him!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Caught a fish!!
Justin and I have been fishing a few times over the last week or so, and haven't had a single bite. Yesterday we went and we weren't having much luck. I told Justin we had to go fishing every night until we caught something. He was getting tired and wanted to go so I was just dangling my line over the dock waiting. And then out of no where a big fish tried to eat my dead worm and I caught one!!! It was crazy! The one time I didn't take my camera with us we caught something! We just do 'catch and release' so we didn't keep it. But still it was fun, our first fish this year.
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