Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Caught a fish!!

Justin and I have been fishing a few times over the last week or so, and haven't had a single bite. Yesterday we went and we weren't having much luck. I told Justin we had to go fishing every night until we caught something. He was getting tired and wanted to go so I was just dangling my line over the dock waiting. And then out of no where a big fish tried to eat my dead worm and I caught one!!! It was crazy! The one time I didn't take my camera with us we caught something! We just do 'catch and release' so we didn't keep it. But still it was fun, our first fish this year.


Michelle said...

Yay for you Tosh!! Wouldn't it be fun to cook it up and eat it though?

John and Liz said...

remember fishing here in our little man made lake? Ty loves it when he comes here. Glad you're all well. Missed seeing you at Kortie's graduation.